Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Charlotte Wilkins' walking challenge: blog 4

I think it’s safe to say that I’m failing miserably with this weeks challenge. None of my friends or family have commented on my blogs :-( I think a little bribery is in order.

With regard to my steps, the secret to my success this week has been walking up the stairs, and going for lunchtime walks. I’m really lucky that I have the pier right outside my office, so it’s easy for me to pop down for a quick seaside walk, then get straight back to work. It’s given me an excuse to have a lunch break too! And the three flights of steps up to my office are testing me. I keep trying to walk up them a little faster each day.

I have to say that I’ve found this week quite tiring. But my favourite parts have been counting how many steps I did while walking around the supermarket – I think I clocked up about 2 thousand – I was amazed! I managed to persuade my friends to walk to the pub on Friday night instead of getting a taxi. They were all chuffed they’d saved some money and I was pleased I managed to walk an extra couple of thousand steps to add to my total for that day. And my boyfriend and I had a little adventure yesterday. The weather was so wonderful we went for a walk around Preston Park and then decided just to let our feet lead the way and just see where we ended up. We walked all the way to Hove and then stumbled upon a fabulous Greek restaurant where we had a lovely meal and reminisced about our holiday. He’s enjoyed getting so much fresh air and I think he’s getting used to wearing my pedometer when I can’t fit it on to my clothes. He feels like he’s doing his bit, bless him!

I’m looking forward to taking part in the Martletts Hospice walk this Friday night, I’m fascinated to see how many steps I’ll do in one chunk. I think I’ll need to put my feet up on Saturday though. I might even do two days worth of steps in one night!

All in all this week has been a triumph – the only spanner in the works was that I forgot to take my pedometer with me on Saturday and so didn’t record any steps for that day. But I’m hoping I’ll still have averaged over 10 thousand each day. And my plan to make sure I meet my quota for next week? I’m going to borrow a dog……

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